Message from Dana Dakin
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to our Web site.
Hopefully, the topics we've included will stimulate some fresh thoughts
on your marketing effort as well as provide a good read.
For the first time in the history of our industry, marketing is now playing
a decisive role. The firms who are succeeding are those who are moving
beyond a selling focus to a new marketing sophistication. At the core
of their success is the ability to build a convincing story that reflects
who they really are and what they do that can be considered genuinely
"sole source."
For almost 25 years, we have served as marketing consultants to what
are today many of the world's most successful investment entities. In
doing so, we have helped them to identify the combination of strengths
that make them unique and that provide a true competitive edge in a crowded
marketplace. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we might
do the same for your firm.
Dana Dakin
Managing Director
Dakin Partners